CHAPTERS GROUP AG shares have been traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2005. Our shareholders provide the permanent capital base fueling our growth and supporting our vision.

Financial Calendar



Shareholder structure

Above information is based on the best knowledge of the company after the most recent AGM. Shareholders of CHAPTERS GROUP AG are not subject to notification requirements of § 33 WpHG hence shareholder structure might have changed without the company being aware of it.

Key data

WKN / ISIN 661830 / DE0006618309
No. of shares 22,986,027
LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) 3912001BNTWG0PIZYX13
Stock exchange symbol CHG:GR (Bloomberg)
Stock exchange segment Open Market
Designated sponsor ODDO BHF Corporates & Markets AG



In November 2023, our CEO Jan Mohr joined our long-standing investors from Sator Grove in their Podcast “Art of Investing”:

Apple – GoogleSpotify


WKN / ISIN A254TL / DE000A254TL0
Nominal value EUR 25m
Denomination minimum nominal value of EUR 1,000
Maturity no repayment date (perpetual bond)
Coupon 7%, payable annually on May, 28th. Interest free period until 2025
Duration No repayment date
Termination right by Issuer Annually

Bond Terms and Conditions (in German only)

General Meeting

Invitation and Agenda (in German only)

Voting results (in German only)

Presentation (in German only)

Invitation and Agenda (in German only)

Voting results (in German only)

Invitation and Agenda (in German only)

Voting results (in German only)

Invitation and Agenda 2021 (in German only)

Voting results 2021 (in German only)

Invitation and Agenda 2020 (in German only)

Voting results 2020 (in German only)

Invitation and Agenda 2019 (in German only)

Voting results 2019 (in German only)

Corporate Actions

Tender offer (in German only)

Securities prospectus (in German only)

Tender offer (in German only)

Securities prospectus (in German only)